
Brand/model SPERAS TH4
LED White, Green, Red, Infrared (IR850)
Maximum lumens 800 lm
Maximum beam intensity 136,500 cd
Maximum throw 739 m
Battery 1*21700
Onboard charging Yes (USB-C)
Material Aluminium
Modes Smooth ramping
Blinkies -
Reflector Optic
Waterproof IP68
Review date August 2024


The SPERAS TH4 is a hunting light with four emitters: Green, White, Red and Infrared (850nm). A rotary switch controls the brightness. The head can be twisted to zoom in and out. And there is built-in USB-C charging.

The remote pressure switch has heaps of options: On, off, momentary on (memory), momentary on (100%), increase the brightness, and decrease the brightness.

I have reviewed a few SPERAS torches in the past. I really like the SPERAS M4 pocket thrower.

SPERAS provided this torch for review. I have not been paid for this review nor have I held back my opinions of this torch.


The SPERAS TH4 comes in a case with a foam cutout to fit the light and accessories.

SPERAS TH4 packaging SPERAS TH4 packaging

The following was included in the box:

  • SPERAS S50 21700 3.6V Li-ion 5000mAh battery.
  • Scope clamp.
  • Remote pressure switch with three switches.
  • Two spare o-rings.
  • USB-A to USB-C cable.
  • User manual.

SPERAS TH4 packaging SPERAS TH4 accessories

SPERAS TH4 user-manual-1 SPERAS TH4 user-manual-2

SPERAS TH4 user-manual-3 SPERAS TH4 user-manual-4

Torch in use#

The SPERAS TH4 is a good size for my hand. It feels comfortable but it is slightly top heavy.

SPERAS TH4 in-use-1

The head can be twisted to zoom in and out. The action is smooth. It came well lubricated.

SPERAS TH4 side-focus SPERAS TH4 side-flood

A rotary switch on the head has G, W, R and IR markings for selecting the Green, White, Red or Infrared light. The switch is well lubricated and it gives a satisfying click when it is rotated and clicks into place for the next LED.

SPERAS TH4 rotary-switch

A rotary switch on the tail can be clicked to turn the light on and off and it can be rotated to adjust the brightness. It gives a satisfying click when pressed and it turns smoothly. You could press and hold the button for momentary on.

SPERAS TH4 tail-switch

There are two stands around the tailswitch with lanyard holes. This design helps prevent the switch from being accidentally rotated and it allows the light to tailstand.

SPERAS TH4 front-top

Build quality#

The SPERAS TH4 is made of aluminium and it has a matte black finish. There are no sharp edges.

SPERAS TH4 front SPERAS TH4 left

SPERAS TH4 back SPERAS TH4 right

The threads came well lubricated and the tailcap is relatively easy to screw on.

SPERAS TH4 threads

There are two springs at the head and there is one spring at the tail. Button top and flat top 21700 cells work. It would be nice to see two springs at the tail end.

SPERAS TH4 head-spring SPERAS TH4 spring

There is a little bit of play in the tail switch when rotating it. I sometimes accidentally adjust the brightness when clicking the switch. That said, the switch is firm when clicking it.

SPERAS TH4 tail-switch

LED, bezel, lens, reflector and beam#

The SPERAS TH4 has four emitters: White, Green, Red and Infrared.

The infrared emitter has a wavelength of 850nm.

The lens looks a bit like a fresnel lens. This may help with focusing the beam.

SPERAS TH4 closeup-lens SPERAS TH4 closeup-emitter-white-focus

White, Green#

The white emitter is domeless and it has a circular phosphor layer. The green emitter has a dome.

SPERAS TH4 closeup-emitter-white-flood SPERAS TH4 closeup-emitter-green

Red, Infrared#

The red and infrared emitters have domes.

SPERAS TH4 closeup-emitter-red SPERAS TH4 closeup-emitter-ir

CCT, CRI, and duv#

I have taken Correlated Colour Temperature (CCT) and Colour Rendering Index (CRI, RA of R1-R8) measurements with the torch positioned one metre away from an Opple Light Master Pro III (G3).

The CCT is around 8300K, the CRI is around 73 and the Delta u, v is close to neutral (pure white) for the White light on High while zoomed out (flood).

The beam produced has a sharp edge around the spill while zoomed out (flood). There is a bit of tint shift around the edge.

While zoomed in (focus), I can see the outline of the actual LED appear on a wall in the middle of the beam.

If you like using zoomie lights, then the SPERAS TH4 is a good option. The hot spot is pretty tight when you zoom in.

LED Zoom Mode CCT (K) CRI (Ra) x y Duv
White Flood High 8347 73.8 0.2933 0.2968 -0.0032

Calculate Duv from CIE 1931 xy coordinates

Dimensions and size comparison#


I took the following measurements using a digital caliper.

Measurement Unit (mm)
Mininum length 164.67
Maximum length 177.0
Head diameter 54.4
Tube diameter 25.4
Tail diameter 31.0
Battery diameter 21.48
Battery length 74.6


I took the following measurements using a digital scale.

Weight Unit (g)
Torch 217.13
Battery 70.7
Torch with battery 287.83

Size comparison with its competition#

From left to right: SPERAS TH4, Sofirn C8L, Armytek Predator Pro Warm

SPERAS TH4, Sofirn C8L, Armytek Predator Pro Warm

SPERAS TH4, Sofirn C8L, Armytek Predator Pro Warm

User interface#

The SPERAS TH4 can be controlled with three things that rotate!

The head can be twisted outward to focus the beam (zoom in) or it can be twisted inward to make the beam floody (zoom out).

SPERAS TH4 side-focus SPERAS TH4 side-flood

The brightness can be controlled by rotating the tail switch.

SPERAS TH4 tail-switch

A Green, White, Red or Infrared (IR850) LED can be selected by rotating the large rotary switch to the G, W, R or IR position.

SPERAS TH4 rotary-switch

State Action Result
Off Press the tail switch within 0.3 seconds On (memory)
Off Press and hold the tail switch for more than 0.3 seconds Momentary On (memory)
Off Rotate the tail switch clockwise Increase the brightness while the light is off
Off Rotate the tail switch counterclockwise Decrease the brightness while the light is off
On Rotate the tail switch clockwise Increase the brightness
On Rotate the tail switch counterclockwise Decrease the brightness down to 3%
On Press the tail switch Off

Remote Switch#

The remote pressure switch can be attached to the USB-C port.

SPERAS TH4 remote-switch

It has three buttons: S1, S2 and S3.

State Action Result
Off Click S1 On (100%)
Off Press and hold S1 for 0.3 seconds Momentary On (100%)
Off Click S2 On (memory)
Off Press and hold S2 for 0.3 seconds Momentary On (memory)
On Press and hold S1 Increase the brightness
On Press and hold S3 Decrease the brightness down to 3%
On Click S2 Off


There is no strobe mode.

Mode memory#

There is mode memory when using the remote pressure switch. Clicking S2 from off will recall the last used brightness level. Pressing and holding S2 for 0.3 seconds will momentarily turn the torch on in the last used brightness level.

The tail switch determines the brightness when the remote pressure switch is not attached.

Battery Level Indicator#

The indicator LED near the USB-C port will display the following for 5 seconds when the torch is on.

Colour Battery level
Green > 30%
Red ≤ 30%

Low voltage protection#

There is low voltage protection.

I tested low voltage protection by connecting the torch to a bench power supply and then by lowering the voltage from 4.2V to 0V.

LED Mode LVP? Cut-off voltage
White High Yes 2.85V
Green High Yes 2.93V
Red High Yes 2.80V
White Low Yes 2.64V
Green Low Yes 2.64V
Red Low Yes 2.62V

Pulse Width Modulation#

There is PWM but I did not notice any visible PWM (flickering).

I measured the PWM of the light with a Zoyi ZT-703S oscilloscope.

White (Low), White (High)


What I like about the UI#

  • Simple to use.
  • Direct access to 100% from off with or without the remote pressure switch.
  • Direct access to 3% from off without the remote pressure switch.
  • The remote pressure switch has heaps of options: On, off, momentary on (memory), momentary on (100%), increase the brightness, and decrease the brightness.

What could be improved#

  • A Strobe mode would be nice.
  • Direct access to 3% by pressing and holding S3 from off would be nice.
  • It would be nice to see the light flash at the top and bottom of the ramp when using the remote pressure switch to control the brightness.

Batteries and charging#


A protected button top SPERAS S50 21700 3.6V Li-ion 5000mAh cell was included in the the torch. It arrived with a voltage of 3.59V.

SPERAS TH4 battery-1 SPERAS TH4 battery-2

The cell was isolated with a piece of plastic to prevent accidentally turning the torch on.

SPERAS TH4 insulating-film

I tried the following cells:

Cell Top Compatible? Comment
SPERAS S50 21700 3.6V Li-ion 5000mAh Button Yes
Molicel P45B 21700 3.7V Li-ion 4500mAh Flat Yes


The SPERAS TH4 has a USB-C port in the side of the tailcap for 5V/1A charging.

SPERAS TH4 charging

Power supply: PinePower Desktop USB-C
USB Meter: AVHzY CT-3
Room temperature: 11 C

SPERAS TH4 charging-profile

I charged the included battery from 3.13 to 4.19V inside the SPERAS TH4.

It took about 6 hours to fully charge at a rate of 5V 1.6A.

Charging status indicator#

The charging status indicator near the USB-C port is red while charging and green when charging is complete.


Specifications from the manual:


FL1 STANDARD White Red Green
Output (lumens) 800 + 24 150 + 1.2 200 + 4.5
Runtime 2h 24min 2h 24min 2h 24min
Beam Distance (metres) 79 39 45
Beam Intensity (cd) 1,563 375 500


FL1 STANDARD White Red Green
Output (lumens) 480 + 15 68 + 0.8 105 + 3
Runtime 2h 24min 2h 24min 2h 24min
Beam Distance (metres) 739 329 382
Beam Intensity (cd) 136,500 27,137 36,530

Lumen measurements#

I measured the current at turn on with a bench power supply.

LED Zoom Mode Amps at start Specs Lumens @turn on Lumens @30 sec Lumens @10 min
White Flood Low 0.045 A 30 30 30
White Flood High 3.000 A 800 + 24 1,006 841 476
Red Flood Low 0.009 A 1.7 1.7 1.7
Red Flood High 1.181 A 150 + 1.2 170 164 154
Green Flood Low 0.027 A 5 5 5
Green Flood High 1.464 A 200 + 4.5 196 186 175
White Focus Low 0.045 A 22 22 22
White Focus High 3.000 A 480 + 15 641 573 276
Red Focus Low 0.009 A 1.7 1.7 1.7
Red Focus High 1.181 A 68 + 0.8 147 140 134
Green Focus Low 0.027 A 5 5 5
Green Focus High 1.464 A 105 + 3 159 152 144

My DIY lumen tube has not been calibrated for red light. The lumen measurements might be higher than expected.

The lumen output is slightly better than expected for the White light.

Standby drain#

50.3 µA

Runtime graphs#

I used my own DIY lumen tube with a TSL2591 sensor and forked bmengineer’s project RuTiTe to record runtimes.

Note: Lumen measurements may be off by 10% with my DIY lumen tube.

The room temperature was approximately 11 C.

SPERAS TH4 runtime graph

SPERAS TH4 first 2 hours runtime graph

SPERAS TH4 first 10 minutes runtime graph


Here is a summary of the runtime results:

LED Zoom Mode User manual Runtime Turn off Final voltage
White Flood High 2h 24min 2h 8min 15s 2h 8min 15s 3.13
White Flood Low 48h 12h+ 12h+ 3.75
Red Flood High 2h 24min 4h 18min 13s 4h 18min 13s 3.17
Red Flood Low 48h 12h+ 12h+
Green Flood High 2h 24min 3h 50min 33s 3h 50min 33s 3.16
Green Flood Low 48h 12h+ 12h+
White Focus High 2h 24min 2h 14min 4s 2h 14min 4s 3.10
White Focus Low 48h 10min+ 10min+
Red Focus High 2h 24min 4h 16min 9s 4h 16min 9s 3.17
Red Focus Low 48h 10min+ 10min+
Green Focus High 2h 24min 3h 57min 18s 3h 57min 18s 3.14
Green Focus Low 48h 10min+ 10min+

“Runtime” is the time until the output reduces to 10% of the output at 30 seconds (as per the ANSI/PLATO FL1 2019 Standard).

“Turn off” is the time until my DIY lumen tube no longer detects more than one lumen.

“+” indicates that the light remained on after recording had stopped.

The runtime for Red and Green are better than expected.

The runtime for White is about 10 to 15 minutes shorter than the expected 2 hours 24 minutes when on High.

The regulation is a bit odd on High for the White light. The output dropped from about 600 lumens to 250 lumens for White (Flood) after 10 minutes. It then jumped back up to 650 lumens for a few minutes and repeated this jump two more times.


I took lux measurements with a UNI-T UT383BT at 30 seconds. The High mode for Red, Green and White was measured at five metres while zoomed in and zoomed out.

LED Zoom Mode Specs (cd) Specs (m) Candela measured (cd) Distance (m)
Red Flood High 375 39 575 47
Green Flood High 500 45 600 48
White Flood High 1,563 79 2,325 96
Red Focus High 27,137 329 39,750 398
Green Focus High 36,530 382 40,425 402
White Focus High 136,500 739 150,200 775

The beam distance is slightly better than expected.


I went to a local park and I aimed the torch at a tree 70 metres away while using High.

Beamshots were taken using a Sony RX100M2 using 3.2", f3.2, ISO 100, 5000K WB.

Beamshots were taken using a Sony RX100M2 using 1", f3.2, ISO 800, 5000K WB for red and green.

SPERAS TH4 White (High) Focus#

SPERAS TH4 White High Focus beamshot

SPERAS TH4 White (High) Flood#

SPERAS TH4 White High Flood beamshot

Armytek Predator Pro Warm (Turbo)#

Armytek Predator Pro Warm Turbo beamshot

Klarus GL4 (Turbo)#

Klarus GL4 Turbo beamshot

Sofirn C8L (Turbo)#

Sofirn C8L Turbo beamshot

It is easier to identify things in the distance with the SPERAS TH4 set to Green and zoomed in (focus). The light uses a green emitter instead of a green filter.

SPERAS TH4 Green (High) Focus#

SPERAS TH4 Green High Focus beamshot

SPERAS TH4 Green (High) Flood#

SPERAS TH4 Green High Flood beamshot

Armytek Predator Pro Warm (Turbo) Green Filter#

Armytek Predator Pro Warm Turbo beamshot

SPERAS TH4 Red (High) Focus#

SPERAS TH4 Red High Focus beamshot

SPERAS TH4 Red (High) Flood#

SPERAS TH4 Red High Flood beamshot


The SPERAS TH4 hunting light is good for 3-4 hours when hunting out to 100-200 metres.

It is simple to use. I am a massive fan of rotary switches for controlling the brightness.

The remote pressure switch is pretty advanced. It can do more than just turn the torch on and off. It can control the brightness and provide momentary access to 100% (High).

I like how this torch use four different LEDs instead of filters. This seems to allow it to have more lumens and a slightly longer beam distance compared to using filters on a white light.

One big let down is the regulation on High for the White LED. The output is pretty stable but the output dropped for 40 minutes, increased again, dropped for another 15 minutes and so on.

The output was very stable for the Red and Green LEDs.

Overall, the SPERAS TH4 is a decent hunting light and a pretty good zoomie. The quality feels nice. I can recommend it.


  • Good build quality.
  • Good beam distance.
  • Green, White, Red, Infrared (850nm) LEDs.
  • Lumen output better than expected.
  • Runtime was slightly shorter than expeted for High (White).
  • Adjustable beam width.
  • Remote pressure switch has a lot of options.
  • Built-in USB-C charging.


  • Low CRI.
  • Regulation for High (White) could be improved. It kept jumping up and down.


The SPERAS TH4 is US$149 from sperasflashlight.com.

The Armytek Predator Pro Warm Extended Set is US$170 from armytek.com.

Product page#

SPERAS TH4 at sperasflashlight.com